【Gal】【PC】灰鹰幻境 Psychedelica Of The Ashen Hawk


Uncover the secret – Unite the clans

In a town ruled by opposing clans and overshadowed by superstition and legend, a child is born with the dreaded mark of a witch.
She conceals her identity until the theft of a mysterious relic brings to light a series of staggering revelations.
The mysteries she will uncover could restore order… or destroy everything that she knows…

Map Your Progress – Unlock side stories and entertaining vignettes as you progress through the main scenario and learn more about the heroine, heroes, and villains that drive the narrative forward.

Go with the Flow – Keep track of the ebb and flow of the story as well as the various story paths with an interactive flowchart that allows you to go back and make alternate conversation choices.

Choose your DOOM – with a number of alternate endings and story paths, take control of the future. Will you find true happiness and romance, or will Fate cast you into a pit of despair?

Play the Beast – A hauntingly beautiful, suspense-filled love story from Otomate (Idea Factory), makers of the finest interactive fiction adventure.



图片[1]-【Gal】【PC】灰鹰幻境 Psychedelica Of The Ashen Hawk-量子ACG
图片[2]-【Gal】【PC】灰鹰幻境 Psychedelica Of The Ashen Hawk-量子ACG


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